Best Natural Teething Remedies for Your Little Ones
Got a teething little one and needing some help?
These are my favorite home remedies and products for natural teething pain relief.
My youngest is coming up on his first birthday and you know what that means– one year molars.
With my first, teething was never a big thing. Sometimes she would get a little fussy, a touch more irritable, but really it was never awful like other parents made teething out to be.
But then I had my second. ;)
My sweet and mellow dude turns into a bear when his new teeth are coming through. (not that I blame him– it would too). But it does make finding solutions a bit more urgent.
As a registered nurse and holistic health coach, I often feel like I have one foot in each space- western medicine and more natural options. And with finding solutions for my children, I'm no different. I always prioritize a more natural approach, but sometimes ya just need something else to do the trick.
Natural Teething Ideas
If you have a teething baby at home, or maybe you're trying to prepare before that time comes, here are some of the natural teething remedies and pain relievers I would try.
Frozen washcloth
This is such an easy and affordable trick. Many online sources will say to wet the entire washcloth and then freeze it. I have found that it doesn't give my son a great spot to hold because its all icy– and that just makes him more mad.
Instead, wet just one corner of a clean washcloth, big enough for your baby to chew on. Then leave the rest dry. Then when you pull it out of the freezer, your baby will be able to hold the rest of the washcloth.
Or simply put a clean washcloth in the fridge and let them chew on a cold washcloth that isn't so intensely cold.
Mesh feeder
These handy little things off amazon have been used so many times in our home. They are a great option for introducing new foods to your baby, but even more, I love using them as a teething option.
Fill them with frozen berries (careful with clothes, they’re messy and will stain), cubes of frozen breast milk or formula, or diy some electrolyte popsicles.
Solid foods
Depending on where your child is on food introduction, give them some age appropriate solids. Some babies won't be a fan of this because they have decreased appetite with teething so just do what fits your situation. My little guy loved chewing on the drumstick bone from a chicken, or the cob of corn, or a rib bone.
Skin to skin
Remember those tiny little newborn days and how comfortable and restful they were on your chest? Give skin to skin a shot with your older baby. Sometimes snuggles and having you close is enough to bring them comfort.
Teething drops + gels
Im a 90s baby myself and can still remember the numbing sensation of Orajel. But as of 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of over-the-counter numbing products for babies and children because of their potential dangers.
(this is why I am still apprehensive of certain products on the market today that are deemed “safe– will they still be “safe” in 20 years?)
But good news– there are so many more natural options that you can try to bring pain relief to sore gums! Here are some that we have tried:
To be honest, I am not super well-versed in homeopathy. We have tried a few different products but I feel like I’ve only dipped my toe in the homeopathy world. These drops came recommended by our pediatrician and they worked awesome. Within just a few minutes my little dude was a lot more comfortable.
What i don’t love is each dose is packaged in a single-use plastic vial. Not only is that just a lot of plastic, but each vial is a choking hazard. So if you do give them a try, make sure to immediately throw the plastic pieces away!
Earthley Teething Tamer for Teething and Toothaches
Made with organic cloves and catnip, and third-party tested for safety. They are marketed as safe for babies 4 months and older. Like other tinctures from this company, they come in a glass container with a glass dropper.
I would just put a few drops onto my clean finger and rub them on my son's gums. Works so well.
I have been really loving Earthley products over the last few years, and love recommending them to readers.
You can always use code CHOOSENATURAL for 10% off your order ✨
Legendairy organic teething gel
This gel comes with a small finger toothbrush/ applicator thing. Just add a small amount of gel to the applicator or on a clean finger and apply to your baby’s gums in a circular motion.
These are the full ingredients: Organic Echinacea. Organic Chamomile. Organic Clove. Organic Vegetable Glycerin. Purified Water 👏
Gum massage
Using a clean finger, simply rub the gums inside your baby's mouth. You can also use a firm rubber toy or wet washcloth to do it! This is a great technique to use when applying those teething drops or gels.
Teething toys
I’m all about minimalism as much as possible. So I do not buy “teething toys”. Instead I use stuff we already have - a wooden or metal spoon, rubber toys, and rattles from when he was younger. Just make sure they are solid toys without small pieces that can break off- again, choking hazards (the old ER nurse in me never dies lol).
But if you are looking for a little inspiration, or something specific, here are some i’d look into:
Let's talk baltic amber products...
Again, the time I worked in the ER will always stick with me.. necklaces on a baby and young child are a huge risk for strangulation and never a good idea. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, suffocation is the leading cause of death for children under a year old and among the top five causes of death for children between the ages of 1 and 4.
With that, this quote from Texas Children's sums up the claims pretty succinctly:
"proponents of amber teething necklaces claim the necklaces relieve teething pain by releasing succinic acid that gets absorbed by the skin and then acts as an analgesic in the body. However, this claim falls flat for several reasons. First, succinic acid is only released from Baltic amber at very high temperatures – close to 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit). Your child’s skin will never be this hot and so nothing will be released from the amber. Secondly, there is no evidence succinic acid, even when applied directly to the skin, is absorbed by the body. Finally, there is no evidence that succinic acid (which is already found naturally inside our bodies) relieves pain"
If these solutions are not bringing any relief, you can reach out to a pediatric dentist of your own pediatrician for more recommendations. Yes, getting those baby teeth is no fun but if your baby just seems inconsolable something else may be going on that you want checked out.
As always, nothing on this site is medical advice and should be used solely for educational purposes.
Reminiscing on those precious newborn days and my absolute ride or die, must-have items!