The Best Hands-Free Breast Pump for Working Moms
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I have officially been breast pumping for over 3 years between my two children. Occasionally while traveling, sometimes at home, but most often I am pumping because I am at work. And in the early days- I tried so many different pump brands and styles.
I was most intrigued by a wearable pump option for the added convenience and being able to pump on the go-- and once I got the right breast pump, it was a game changer.
This post shares all about my experience with the Elvie pump-- and why I recommend it as the best breast pump for working moms (and stay-at-home moms or exclusively pumping moms, and all the mamas in between)! Plus 20% off your next Elvie purchase ✨
Disclosure: This post is in partnership with Elvie. All products were purchased with my own money and my feedback on the product is all my real-life experience.
Why Elvie Pumps Are My Favorite
I have exclusively been using an Elvie double pump for 3 years now, and there are a few reasons it is my favorite hands-free electric pump. (I also have their manual pump which I'll share about too!)
1. Ease of Use
Each pump has just five pieces that easily fit together. Then you simply power the pump on and press start and you are good to go. Then, if you feel the need to increase or decrease the suction strength, its easily done with the click of a button.
I've seen some reviews about the pumps being "finicky" and honestly, that has never been my experience. The only time I have ever had a struggle getting them to work was if any of the pieces were wet. I make sure they are fully dry before I assemble the pump to ensure I have strong suction.
2. Fewer Parts and Pieces than Competing Pumps
I had a Medela pump for a couple of weeks with my daughter and immediately knew it wasn't going to work for me. There are soo many pieces (some that are so tiny!) and parts and making sure they were all clean and sterilized just wasn't going to work for me and going back to work.
Not to mention I love that I can use the Elvie with any. single. one. of my bras and I don't need to remember a dedicated pumping bra on the days I need to pump.
3. Hospital Grade Suction
Historically, some of the wearable breast pumps didn't offer as much strength. I've always been responsive to a lower suction level personally, but if you're a mama that needs a little more oomph the Elvie Stride Plus is their hospital-grade suction option.
4. Hands-Free Breast Pump
I think the biggest advantage of using the Elvie double electric breast pump is that they are completely hands-free pumps. This means I can take care of all my pumping needs while having free hands to warm up my lunch at work, send an email, or take a walk on my break.
5. Easy to Track Your Pumping Session
There have been seasons during my breastfeeding journey where I want to keep a closer track of how long I am pumping- and the Elvie app makes that really easy. You pair your pumps with your app and it will monitor how long you pump on each side, as well as the output. This can help you increase or decrease your supply depending on your breastfeeding goal!
PRO TIP: Unlike traditional pumps where you have to keep track of how long you are pumping for and turn it off manually, you can easily set a timer within the app for the pumps to turn off automatically!
6. Quick Charging
There have been several times (okay..many) where I go to pump and realize I have forgotten to charge it. Whoops #mombrain. I love that I can charge the Elvie pump for literally FIVE minutes, and I'll have enough power to get through a quick pumping session.
Especially for a working mom who may have limited time to pump, this is so important.
When I am responsible and remember to charge it before work, I love that the rechargeable battery holds enough battery life to last me through an entire 12-hour shift at work (which typically equates to about 3 full pumping sessions.
This means you are free to walk, or work, or run to the restroom while you pump, rather than being tethered to electrical outlets with standard plug-in pumps.
The Elvie Curve
While the double electric pump was my first experience with Elvie, the Curve has been my latest one. I wish I had found it in my early days of postpartum when I was struggling with the popular haaka-- but still wanted a milk catcher.
The Elvie Curve fits in your bra and, with gentle compression, applies light suction to the breast catching any let-down. You can also use it as a hands-free pumping option. It fits in your bra, cannot be kicked off by a nursing baby (IYKYK), and is completely silent.
I don't have much (if any) let down from the opposite breast anymore, so I purchased this more to help with engorgement. My little guy has been going through a huge growth spurt, while also really loving solids. Needless to say, it has made my supply a little wonky recently. Some days I find myself engorged and he is not all that interested in nursing.
The Elvie Curve has been perfect. I can remove a little bit of milk to be more comfortable, without removing a ton of milk and increasing my supply. It is the best choice for those milk supply fluctuations.
My Daily Routine Using Portable Breast Pumps While at Work
As I mentioned earlier, I do not pump every day. But despite occasional use, I have been using this same routine for years on the days I work. I try to mirror my feeding schedule as closely as possible, but I am also pretty flexible with it.
545 : wake up, morning routine, breakfast, and get ready for work
630: Before leaving home, I place the portable pump in my bra and pump during the drive to work. (normally my son nurses in the morning when he wakes up, so this will replace that feed)
When I get to work, I pour the milk into storage containers and store in a cooler. In between pumping sessions, I rinse and store the pump parts in a silicone bag in the fridge to prevent bacteria growth. Then when it is time to pump again I dry off the pieces and am good to go. I also love these eco-friendly and nontoxic breast milk storage options that I store milk in!
1130(ish): Sometime between 11 and 12, it is time for me to pump again. I will take my lunch break around that time and am thankful we have an amazing room to pump at the hospital. But there have been times I pump in the standard break room because the pumps are that discreet and have such a low noise level.
These pumps truly are a lifesaver for busy moms because I can pop the pumps in, set my desired pumping time on the app, and then go about my lunch break. I can spend less time worrying about my milk supply, and more time face-timing my babies, enjoying my lunch without the bulkiness of traditional pumps, or visiting with coworkers.
330(ish): Later that afternoon, I pump again. This is around the time my son wakes up from his nap so I can easily mirror our nursing schedule from the days I am at home.
730: I am off and get to go home! We set up our evening schedule and bedtime so that I can nurse him at home before he falls asleep. Then I boil my pump parts, wipe down my pump, and can store it until the next day I work.
FAQ About Elvie Breast Pumps
Do I have to wear a certain bra to use it?
No. I have used the Elvie pumps in sports bras, bralettes, and everything in between. I have found It to be more comfortable to pump while wearing something a little more snug. I typically opt for a sports bra style nursing bra and they are perfect for fitting the pumps.
Will it affect my milk production?
Breast milk production is all about supply and demand-- the more milk that is removed from your breasts, the more milk your body will make. No pump can withdraw milk as effectively as your baby.. but between the different expression modes and the app to track and monitor each session and your output, you really can customize the whole experience to your own specific needs. Not only can you make sure you are pumping enough milk, but that you are using the right setting for your body to prevent supply issues.
The Elvie has always sufficiently emptied my breasts, leaving me feeling comfortable and without concern for left behind milk (and those dreaded blogged ducts)...
Are Elvie Pumps covered by my insurance provider?
It depends. First, reach out to your personal insurance provider for the specifications of your plan!
How do I know my nipple size?
Before breastfeeding, I never gave much thought to nipple size-- but it can play a big role in pumping! If you have the wrong size pump, it can not only make pumping really uncomfortable but also cause nipple damage. Elvie has an easy-to-use sizing guide on their website and sells all the different sizes you may need.
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