10 Things I Used Every Single Day As a New Mom

Bringing a baby home soon?

These are my tried-and-true, ride-or-die, go-to items that I loved with both of my children in those early newborn days 🫶🏼

In the months leading up to having my first baby, I was honestly so overwhelmed. How could a baby need so many things?! I’d search for baby registry ideas on Pinterest.. and then get even more overwhelmed. There seemed to be so many different decisions on so many different products and I had no idea where to even start.

Fast forward to having my first babe, and then a couple of years later having my second, and I look back at that scared new mom with so much affection. Because honestly, babies really don’t need that much. Sure, certain items make things more convenient and are nice to have. But there are also a lot of popular products that I never ever ever used.

As with all things babies and motherhood, this is highly personal. These are my “must haves” for those precious (and mildly chaotic) newborn days.

What we look for in baby items

Before diving into my tried and true, most favorite newborn items, let’s chat about my priorities when it comes to purchasing items. Over the years, these have ebbed and flowed depending on the season but for the most part, these are our goals when purchasing baby items:

  • longevity- We have always known we wanted multiple children so I wanted to buy quality items that would last through multiple babies. Sometimes this means a bit more of an upfront cost to prioritize quality

  • prioritize natural ingredients- whether this is clothing made of cotton, or baby care products that are free of artificial fragrances, i am always paying attention to what our products are made of. As with all things, I am an 80/20 girl and don’t stress about everything being “perfect”

  • convenience- cloth diapers? That’s gonna be a no from me. Tricky baby gadgets and high-tech tools? Nah. I just want things simple and easy to use.

These are the 3 main things I am thinking of when I am purchasing baby items— and this list of my faves holds true to them as well.

Related Reads:

My 10 “Must Haves” for Newborn Days

Prepping to bring home a baby soon? Here are some of my absolute must-haves for those early newborn days— from a mom of 2!

  1. Nourishing food

    The absolute first thing on my list is food. And not just anything, but delicious, warming, nutrient-dense foods that help your body to heal. I spent a lot of time during pregnancy prepping postpartum freezer meals, and we also had lots of fam sending us yummy dinners. But the game changer was these Ayurvedic pre-made freezer meals.

    The company was created by a mom who wanted to prioritize postpartum nourishment for herself after babies. We have bought multiple boxes of their postpartum meals, and some of their pantry mixes, and have recommended them to so many of our friends. If you want to prep your freezer for postpartum, but don’t want to DIY this is the best option I’ve seen!

    Shop nourishing postpartum meals HERE— you can use code KAELYN for $20 off your order over $200 ✨

  2. Silverettes

    Those first few weeks of breastfeeding can leave your nipples feeling a bit… tender. I used these around the clock with my second baby and loved them. You just put them in your bra with or without adding some breastmilk into the cup, and they help to heal your nipple tissue. This is because silver is naturally anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and shown to support wound healing 👏

  3. These amazing baby gowns

    Again, convenience is a priority for me. I don’t love the baby outfits with 230948 button snaps to close, and even some of the zipper ones can be tricky to get there little legs in and out of. My husband and I loved baby gowns for the newborn days… these are our faves:

    • Organic cotton gown with snaps- personally, we never really used the snaps and just would lift it on and off over their head. But the snaps would be convenient for easy skin-to-skin and snuggles

    • Tie-bottom newborn gown- instead of being open at the bottom, these gowns tie up. They’re soft and cozy and just the sweetest thing on a little baby

  4. My favorite postpartum tonic

    I went through 10 bottles of this after having my son. I have gifted this to five or six of my friends. And it is one of the first recommendations I give to new mamas. So often, we think of the newborn phase and prioritize all the things that a baby needs— when really, supporting your own body is one of the most important things you can focus on. Because when we, as moms, care for our physical and emotional resilience, we set ourselves up for a healthier motherhood journey.

    This restorative postpartum tonic is intentionally designed to help nourish and strengthen the postpartum body. I notably felt more calm, even-tempered, and nourished on the days I took this. And every time I thought I would stop taking it, I felt like my body wasn’t quite ready and still needed the additional support. So I kept taking it… and taking it… and taking it. 10/10 recommend.

  5. Comfy nursing-friendly pj’s

    Give me all the loose outfits and comfy clothes postpartum. I loved button-up pajama tops for easy nursing and skin-to-skin like these ones:

  6. organic cotton pads

    Putting together my postpartum recovery kit, I knew I wanted to prioritize cotton pads when possible. I used whatever the hospital gave me that first day and then transitioned to organic cotton ones once I was home.

  7. Comfiest nursing bras

    With over 3.5 years of breastfeeding between both my kiddos, I know my nursing bras. These ones are my absolute favorite— comfy, supportive without being restrictive, and they last forever! Unlike some of my others that gave way after a few washes, these have held up well for years!

  8. Kindle

    This is probably something you won’t find on many other blog posts on this topic haha. I have always loved reading. Those cozy postpartum days were full of laying on the couch and reading a few good books. I found that it was so much easier, more convenient, and had less risk of getting some type of body fluid on the book pages when I used a Kindle instead 🤪

    I have the Kindle paperwhite and love that I can adjust the backlight so that it is warmer— less blue light before bedtime yay!

  9. Water bottle

    Get yourself a big ol’ water bottle for those postpartum days. Not only is it important to stay hydrated for breastfeeding, but also postpartum recovery! This post here has some of my favorite beverages for nourishment while breastfeeding! I have this brand of water bottle in several of their styles— and I love them all. Plus, they are far more affordable than some of the popular water bottle brands out there, which is a win!

  10. Lotion and chapstick!

    I don’t know if it was a hormone thing, or a postpartum thing, or what… but with both of my kiddos, I remember my skin feeling so dry those first few weeks! I was always wanting a good chapstick or lotion for my hands. But having a newborn and breastfeeding, I was really cautious about the ingredients in my products. I also was even more adamant against any artificial fragrance— especially since babies sense of smell is sooo important in those early days! For years this has been one of my favorite go-to brands for high-quality and non-toxic skincare, and here are some of my fave products for those postpartum days:

    • Baby balm- the most gentle moisturizer that you can use for anything! Dry hands? check. Dry lips? check. Diaper rash on your babe? Check again. (personally, I have a baby one and a personal one that I use)

    • Body butter- this thick body butter with tallow and nourishing fats is so hydrating! I also appreciated that while there is a slight fragrance, it is really mild and all from naturally sourced ingredients.

    • They also have a baby kit that is great for little one!

    Anytime you shop from Primally Pure, you can use code Kaelyn10 to save 10% off your order! ✨

There you have it— ten of the things I always had on hand or by my side in those early newborn days. Have you brought a baby home recently? What was your ride or die newborn item?

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