Water Softeners vs Reverse Osmosis: What's the Difference?
Water- arguably one of the most important aspects of health
And yet there is so much confusion surrounding what is best for our wellness. This post dives into one of the most common misconceptions I hear!
Water is one of the most foundational components to wellness- heck, it's a requirement for survival. But when you are trying to optimize your health and wellness, it can be really overwhelming with where to start.
Studies show that you should drink filtered water, but there are literally thousands of different filter types, brands, models- each claiming their own benefits. There are filters in water bottles, ones made for the entire home, or ones that sit on your counter. Shower filters and ones for your fridge. So where to begin? What is the best water purification system?
One question I commonly get is if reverse osmosis and water softeners are the same thing? Or which one is better. But really this is a common misconception. This post will go over the differences between popular reverse osmosis systems versus water softeners. Because they are two very different things with different purposes!
Before we dive in..
I think it is really important to note that different filters serve different purposes. And it's a good idea to know what is appropriate for you and your home. Some great places to learn about the tap water in YOUR city are
You can also google "water analysis +" your personal zip code for reports and specifics for your area. Knowing what your local water contains can help you make an informed decision about the best solution for you.
What is Reverse Osmosis?
A reverse osmosis filter or RO system filters out contaminants from water. This includes herbicides, pesticides, microplastics, fluoride, bacteria, chlorine, heavy metals, minerals and sediment. So you are left with really clean water to drink. Typically this can also improve the taste of water (we definitely noticed a difference after installing ours)!
It works by manipulating water pressure and using the idea of osmosis, to push unfiltered water through semi-permeable membranes. Since this is kind of a complicated process to explain, I linked a great video that does a more thorough job of explaining! Then the harmful contaminants are left behind in the filter- requiring you to replace the filters periodically.
While there are some whole-home reverse osmosis system, they are often installed underneath a sink (ours is under our kitchen sink) for a point-of-use system. This means that not all of the water in our house is reverse osmosis- only what is hooked up to the RO unit and the faucet we have.
Another thing to note about reverse osmosis filtration system is that because of how well they filter things out, reverse osmosis removes a lot of the minerals that are good for you too. That is why it is important to make sure your reverse osmosis water treatment system has a re-mineralization step OR you are remineralizing the water yourself. We have used these mineral drops for years and it is a simple way to make sure that your water is providing the micronutrients and minerals you need. We don't always use them since our reverse osmosis process includes a remineralization step-- but we have been known to forget to order the replacement 🙃 and that is when it is really nice to have the drops on hand.
How does a water softener work?
Unlike reverse osmosis water filtration systems, water softeners are typically a whole-house system (not always—i’ll share my favorite water softening shower head below). And they are not "filtering" the water as it's commonly believed.
So, as the name suggests, these water softener systems "soften" the water. Hard water is considered to contain high levels of magnesium and calcium which can leave water spots on your dishes and be more harsh on your skin and hair. It is also the cause for mineral deposits in your tub, shower and around your sink.
A water-softening system works by removing the hard minerals through a ion exchange process.
We do not currently have a house-wide water softener. The thing is they are expensive and we have just had other priorities. But we do have a water softening shower head attachment that has helped my hair health so much! If you are testing the waters (literally) and unsure if a water softener will help you, this is a good option to try first before investing a bunch of money into a larger system.
Benefits of a water softener
The excess magnesium and calcium in the water make soaps and detergents less effective at removing dirt. So, soft water can make your body wash, shampoos, dish soap, and detergents all work a little more effectively.
Hard water can also build up deposits in water heaters, washing machines, and other utilities, shortening it's life and how well it works. Those same hard mineral deposits can build up on your hair, skin, and clothes, increasing rates of dry skin, eczema, and rashes.
You know that water test I mentioned earlier?? Those will also give you a good idea if you live in an area with a high mineral content in the water.
What if you are renting?
If you are renting a home or living in an RV or apartment, or are in any situation where you cannot install a water filtration system- there are a few other options you can check out!
Clearly Filtered Pitcher -this is similar to the popular Brita water filters, except this one has been shown to remove fluoride and has a much more comprehensive filtration system. The plastic is made from medical grade materials and is BPA, BPS, and EA free which is definitely an improvement from similar pitchers. This is a more affordable option to provide your family with cleaner water!
BlueVue Countertop RO System- if you have the space, these are a nice option because they can filter a larger volume of water at once. This is nice if you have multiple people in your household. I’ve also heard good things about Berkey? But never used them personally and can’t speak to their quality since I know there have been a few things in question with the company as of late.
There you have it. A quick and dirty on the difference between water softeners and reverse osmosis systems and how they both can play a role in holistic wellness. Water is so important to our health and effects so many other aspects of our life. If you are needing help figuring out the best option for you- reach out and we can brainstorm the best solution together!
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