Best Natural Supplements for Menstrual Cramps
Struggling with period cramps?
Here is some hard truth about your cycle — plus some some science-backed ways to support your menstrual cycle holistically!
This post is rather fitting because I just got my first cycle back postpartum after having my son. And due to my history of PCOS symptoms, I loved having a rather symptom free cycle! But it was not always like that-- for years I had a really heavy, painful cycle. At other times in my life, I had an extremely irregular period. And when my PCOS symptoms were at their worst, I went nearly a year without a cycle, struggled with cystic acne, and poor digestion.
Needless to say, my hormones were a mess.
But since that time, not only have I optimized my nutrition, the ways I manage stress, and healed those PCOS symptoms, but i've also taken a much more holistic approach to getting rid of those painful periods! That includes natural supplements to help optimize period symptoms.
Should Your Period Be Painful?
Now this may be shocking.. but your menstrual cramps should not be very symptomatic- and definitely not severe. You should not be bed-bound for days on end, unable to function, nauseated and vomiting, or needing to take medication around the clock.
But isn't that what we grew up hearing-- That your menstrual cycle was synonymous with painful period cramps and mood swings?
What if I told you that while those symptoms are common, they are not normal. Overall, your period should be generally symptom-free.
If you are experiencing period symptoms, it's probably a good idea to be seen by your primary care provider to look into hormonal imbalances. There are certain health conditions that cause more severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), heavy periods, irregular cycles, or other common pms symptoms. If you have a history of hormonal birth control, or are coming off of it, that may also cause some fluctuations.
Thankfully, there are many natural remedies to help support your reproductive health holistically.
What Does A Healthy Period Look Like
Now with most health topics, menstrual cycles carry a large amount of bio-individuality- meaning that there is a little variation from person to person is normal. But across the board, there are some generalizations of what a healthy cycle looks like.
Some hallmarks of a healthy period include:
most experts recommend a period between 26-35 days in length
your period is pain free
your period blood should be a bright red color
bleeding lasts from 2-7 days
no breakthrough bleeding between menstruation
If you are experiencing these symptoms, it doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. But rather, just be aware of the difference. If it is something that continues, speak with your healthcare provider who can help to dig a little deeper!
Learning More About Your Menstrual Cycle
First and foremost...
There are so many things you can do to naturally support your cycle, even without supplements. I think the first thing is educating yourself on women's health and your menstrual cycle. Knowledge really is powerful and when you know what is happening in your body, you will also know when something is wrong.
Having this information will help you advocate for yourself and your health! You will also learn that your cycle goes far beyond just that time of the month. Rather, it can be viewed as an indicator of your overall health!
I have a post here all about my favorite books on menstrual and hormone health that you can check out!
Natural Supplements for Menstrual Cramps
So, what about supplements or a natural alternative to support your cycle and hormone health? There are so many claims about things that help to minimize menstrual cramps, but what does research and science actually show? And while pain medication or over the counter medications can be really helpful in minimizing severe pain, they are not right for everyone or may come with unwanted side effects. Not to mention some of them come with more risks with long-term use.. So, here are some natural alternatives that still help with menstrual pain, inflammation, or pms symptoms!
magnesium supplements
One study found that supplementing a combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 had benefit in common PMS symptoms including anxiety, cravings, and depression.
You can also include magnesium-rich foods into your diet like avocados and leafy greens. (or use a magnesium lotion that helps support restful sleep at night!)
Fun fact: according to the world health organization, as much as 75% of people are deficient in magnesium so its one of my favorite minerals to supplement personally! This is also something to look into if you've been told you have a vitamin d deficiency..
Organic Olivia Flow Balance
This herbal supplement is designed specifically for supporting healthy hormones, assists mild cramps and smooth flow, and helps ease symptoms of PMS. It includes
Chaste tea berry (vitex)
nettle leaf
oregon grape root
cramp bark
dong quai
These are all herbs that help holistically support your menstrual cycle and can help to regulate your period month to month!
ginger- in this meta- analysis it was found that ginger was more effective at reducing menstrual pain than a placebo, and that it was also comparable to a popular NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) in reducing discomfort. I love supplementing ginger with homemade ginger shots or dehydrated ginger!
aromatherapy- this review of studies found aromatherapy can improve period pain. With a girl's periods, that pain is often in their lower belly as the uterus contracts. In many studies and anecdotal reports, women find the most success using essential oils with a carrier oil to make a massage oil they can rub on their lower abdomen.
Since artificial fragrance can be endocrine disruptors, I tend to opt for natural fragrance such as essential oils. Some of the most supportive oils for menstrual health and muscle relaxation are:
clary sage - This helps to naturally regulate hormones which can be a factor in painful periods (this is also an oil shown to help manage pain during labor! 👏)-
lavender - In a 2012 study, women reported a better improvement to menstrual cramps after using a lavender essential oil for aromatherapy massage
peppermint - in a double blind randomized study, painful period cramping was improved after taking peppermint oil. It can also help ease any nausea or headaches that come along with your cycle
Black Cohosh: Traditional herbal remedy used to relieve menstrual discomfort and regulate menstrual cycles
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil supplements, omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate menstrual pain and reduce inflammation. This can be a good option is you are not getting enough healthy omegas in your diet. One of my favorite sources of omega-3 fatty acids is cod liver oil (which is also a great natural source of vitamin d!)
If shopping through Perfect Supplements, you can use code KAELYN10 to save 10% off your order!
Other ways you can naturally support your cycle are:
using a hot water bottle or heating pad for period pain (this XL size is my favorite because of it's larger size and it's machine washable)
doing gentle aerobic exercise- Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels, improve blood circulation, and release endorphins, which may help reduce menstrual pain and simply make you feel better!
hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for supporting your menstrual cycle as it helps maintain optimal blood flow and may reduce bloating and water retention associated with menstruation
acupuncture or acupressure: Traditional Chinese medicine techniques like acupuncture or acupressure may help relieve menstrual cramps
herbal teas: I love tea- especially when the ingredients can help to support your health and wellness! Drinking herbal such as peppermint, raspberry leaf, or fennel can have soothing effects on the digestive system and may help reduce period discomfort- win win win!
Some of my favorites include the medicinal teas from Organic Olivia (esp the Open Heart blend) or Traditional Medicine organic teas!
reducing caffeine- the studies are mixed on this one but some women experience worsening cramps when they drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks. You can either try skipping the coffee for a few days before and during the days of your period, or try an all natural coffee alternative (this one also includes adaptogens that naturally support energy and focus)
maintaining a healthy diet - prioritizing whole foods and high quality protein, and eating enough to support your body are some great places to start!
As you can see, there are so many different ways you can support your menstrual cycle holistically. Remember that any supplement isn’t a magic fix for your symptoms- rather they should be something that supplements an already healthy lifestyle foundation.
This looks like eating primarily foods that support your body (but also enjoying a fun snack or treat on occasion because life is all about some balance)
Moving your body and feeling good afterwards! (in certain seasons your body needs more gentle workouts— and that is A OKAY!)
Feeling hydrated through mineral-rich drinks (bone broth, teas, a protein-rich coffee are some of my personal faves!)
Managing stress holistically so that you may have more joy and peace throughout your days!
If these are foreign to you and you find yourself having no idea where to start, schedule a free phone call for us to chat about your health goals. I love working with clients one on one, but also love helping to support you through a quick email or 15 minute call. Sometimes that is all you need to spark motivation and being your journey towards holistic wellness in your own life.
As always, nothing on this blog is medical advice. Speak with your health care provider before starting a new supplement as certain things may not be right for your health history.
9 months into this crazy journey of embracing my gray hair!