5 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling
My family absolutely loves traveling and exploring new places
Over the years, I have learned some tips and tricks to making sure that we can adventure while still prioritizing our health!
When I was 19, I hopped on a red-eye flight by myself to spend a week in Guatemala. I had never traveled internationally before but had been dreaming of it for years.
I met up with health care providers from other states to work at a rural health clinic, brushed up on some rouuuugh Spanish skills, and hiked a volcano through fog and rain. I met amazing people, saw bits and pieces of a beautiful culture and stunning country.
And ever since then, I’ve been hooked- traveling just about as much as my schedule (and budget) would allow.
There is something about exploring a different culture, meeting new people, trying new foods, and expanding your views and beliefs that is so inspiring and motivating. I feel like every time I have gotten the opportunity to see somewhere new, I have returned more humbled and in awe of how big the world is and what a tiny piece of it i have experienced so far. It makes me so excited for even more adventures in the future.
One thing that I used to struggle with while traveling was feeling like I returned and my health was just “off” for a while. Whether it was actually getting sick upon returning home, or struggling with fatigue, poor digestion, or headaches, I felt like it was so hard to maintain my health while traveling.
The Effects of Traveling on Your Health
No matter how chill of a traveler you are, traveling is a stress on our bodies. Not only are you dealing with a new environment, but often a lot of logistics, new foods, and a schedule unlike what you normally have at home. You are in a new bed and probably not sleeping as well as you normally do. You also are eating and drinking differently than at home which can cause added stress to your digestive system.
Last but not least, being in a new environment exposes you to germs that your body is not familiarized with and your immune system might be playing catch up for a bit…. some places longer than others. In 2017, I spent 6 weeks backpacking around India and attending a yoga teacher training course and learned how serious the term "Delhi belly” is. 😅
But over the years I have learned some tips and tricks that have made traveling a lot easier, more enjoyable, and better supportive to my health. Here are some of my favorite ways I prioritize my health while going abroad, traveling domestically, or even roadtripping a few hours away.
Traveling in a plane, walking more than usual, being at a different elevation than you may be used to all are things that can make you more susceptible to getting dehydrated. Especially if your diet is different than you are used to.
Make sure to pack a refillable water bottle! I cannot get behind spending $40 on a Stanley cup, I just can’t.. but I love this one from amazon. I have had it for over 2 years and it has held up so great that I have purchased multiple other ones since then for my husband and as gifts.
( word of caution! This water bottle has a straw so be careful when trying to drink from it on an airplane. Like other straw-style bottles, it will become a water fountain under pressure. The easy fix is to just twist the lid off initially when you’re at altitude to de-pressurize it and then you’ll be good! I might have forgotten that little trick on my last flight and given myself and my neighbor a mid-flight shower… thankfully she was very kind about it, but still )
Get your electrolytes in! LMNT is a natural electrolyte drink mix with magnesium, potassium, and sodium without all the added sugar or artificial sweeteners of other brands. My personal favorite is the orange salt flavor, but I also love the mango chili flavor and making a little mineral-supportive mock-tail out of it 🍹 You can order this sample pack and try them all (they even have a hot chocolate version!)
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2. Prioritize nutrient dense foods when possible
Airports and gas stations are not typically known for their selection of nutrient-dense foods, but if you are a little intentional, odds are you can find a snack or meal that will pack a bit more of a nutritional punch than your typical on-the-go fare.
If you are at an airport, look in their convenience stores for fresh fruit, beef jerky (opt for something low in processed ingredients and artificial sweeteners!), dried fruit, or a cleaner snack bar/ protein bar. Most airports have a variety of restaurants and coffee shops as well, where you might have better luck!
Also don’t be afraid to ask for something that isn’t on the menu- recently, I asked a breakfast place if I could just have 3 eggs scrambled in butter and ate that with some fruit I had found. They were happy to give me an a la carte option and I left knowing that what I ate wasn’t going to make me feel sick later in the day.
But by and large, I try to pack my own snacks as much as possible. Not only do I know they are more nutritious options than what I can typically find out and about while traveling, but they are also usually much more budget friendly! This is my go to list of mine and my family’s favorite snacks to pack while traveling (and the list is even toddler- approved!)
My Favorite Travel Snacks to Pack
CHOMPS beef sticks- I usually purchase these from Thrive Market but I have also seen them available from Costco. I love these because it’s a great source of protein and they’re super convenient and packable
Dried fruit- I love the large bag of organic dried mangos from Costco where the ingredient list is just that- organic mangos 👏
Collagen- I love how easy and convenient it is to add collagen into a coffee or matcha latte! Since I started taking collagen regularly I have noticed such a huge different in my hair, nail strength, and skin integrity. I love the Perfect Supplements collagen because it is grass-fed, pasture-raised, they ensure all products are glyphosate free, AND they offer a money back guarantee. They also have travel- friendly individual serving pouches!
Homemade gelatin gummies- another huge toddler hit that the adults love too! I usually do about 4-5 cups of liquid and 6 tablespoons of gelatin (depending on how firm or squishy I want them). I will mix up whatever juice I have on hand, sprinkle the gelatin in and let it sit for 5-10 minutes until it fully blooms, then heat it on the stove until its all liquid. Then i’ll pour it into a glass dish or silicone molds and stick in the fridge! Then once it has set up, i’ll pull them out and cut them into serving size pieces.
Beef Jerky- sometimes it is hard finding a clean jerky option that is still somewhat affordable! I have really been enjoying Stryve Grass-fed Biltong that we order from Thrive Market (as you can tell, we order just about all of our pre-made snacks from Thrive haha!)
3. Grocery Shop When You Arrive
This is by far one of the healthiest and budget-friendly things you can do when you travel- instead of eating out every meal, plan to go to the local grocery store when you arrive in town, if you are staying somewhere with access to a kitchen. Then you can restock on snacks, essentials, and plan to cook a few fun meals instead of eating out 3+ times per day.
My husband and I are both pretty simple with our breakfast preferences… we eat some variation of eggs, bacon, cottage cheese, fruit, or sourdough taste just about every day. That means it is really easy for us to find those items and have a daily breakfast that nourishes us well and sets us up for a full day of adventuring! Then we usually pack some snacks and have lunch or dinner out to try some fun, local things.
I feel like this gives you the best of both worlds- you keep your diet a little more typical which will help you feel better overall, but you still get to try the fun local things! Plus, I would rather put more of our budget towards fun outings and excursions than spending it all on food.
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4. Take a Walk
Walking is such an underrated health habit! Not only does is help with stress reduction, mental health, and maintaining a healthy weight, but it has also been shown to decrease rates of cardiovascular disease and dementia later in life (when walking an average of 10,000 steps per day, or about 4-5 miles depending on your gait).
When traveling, walking is an especially great way to take in the scenery and see new things that you would otherwise miss by taking a car or public transportation. I love looking at free walking tours in the city we are traveling to —especially when we went to Spain with our daughter when she was 18 months old, it was so nice getting to travel the city at our pace but still get to have the full experience and see everything. It was just much more mellow and accommodating for our family in this current season than if we were stressing to keep up with a group tour around the needs of a toddler.
5. Prioritize Sleep Health
Sometimes it can be hard sleeping in an unfamiliar space. I have found that it is helpful if I try to keep my bedtime routine as close as possible to what I do when I am at home- then, even in a different space, my body knows bedtime is approaching.
I also try to make our environment as similar to home as possible- adjusting the temperature to a comfortable level, darkening the room as much as possible, and turning on a sound machine (we started using one when my daughter slept in our room and my husband and I got hooked to falling asleep to the sound of thunderstorms 😂)
A couple of other habits that can help to optimize good sleep health:
limit caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon and evening
cut back on bright lights and screens in a couple of hours prior to bedtime
keep your room cool and dark
create a bedtime routine that gets your body and mind primed for rest and relaxation- some of my favorite things to do before bed are making a cup of hot tea, moisturizing my face, and reading a good book
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Traveling and exploring does not mean that we have to sacrifice our most optimal health. It also doesn’t mean that we have to just accept feeling crappy and hindering our fun plans. With a little bit of intention and planning, you can keep your health in order so that you can fully enjoy your trip!
What are some of your favorite ways to prioritize your health while traveling?
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