Non-Toxic and Minimalist Baby Registry
Pregnancy can be an overwhelming time
Let alone choosing between all of the different items marketed towards expecting moms! This post is made to give you recommendations that are actually worth it, without all the stuff you don’t need!
In the first few months of finding out I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with all the things I thought I “needed”. I looked on Pinterest to find registry recommendations and felt even more overwhelmed. How could a tiny human need so much stuff?!
As a first-time mom, I wanted everything perfect for my newborn baby. And thankfully, after much research, I realized that there really are not that many essential items a baby needs. Especially in the newborn stage!
Truly the only thing a baby needs is to be fed, warm, and loved. And there are a few things that can help you accomplish that!
Now, as a mom of two, I have so many thoughts about baby registries. Whether you are prepping for your baby shower, or wanting to give a gift to an expecting friend, or just researching things you may need, this is the post of minimalist baby essentials.. without any of the extras.
The Hard Truth About Online Baby Registries...
Those Pinterest registries I mentioned earlier?? Well, you have to realize the goal of the person writing the blog. In some cases (definitely not all), some bloggers will fill a post with as many affiliate links to baby stuff as possible, regardless of whether or not they actually recommend getting them. When someone purchases from that link, they earn money.
Now, I am not above making money through affiliates (I do it myself here and am thankful it is a way I can make money for my family) but I just think consumers need to be aware of how it works.
In some cases, it can be really helpful and informative. In others, it is not done to educate and share information, but just to make money. That is why I always try to be intentional about the links I add and promise they are always things I actually own and love.
My Priorities With Non-Toxic Baby Items
So, how do you discern all the information and figure out what you should prioritize? Start by checking in on your personal values. Make a list of the things that you want to prioritize- maybe that's keeping things as affordable as possible, or maybe you want to limit exposure to toxins, or maybe you want things as convenient as possible. Here's some of mine:
Longevity- My husband and I have always known that we want multiple children. So, when creating our registry for our first child we knew we wanted to pick out things that would be able to last through several children. Sometimes this meant that they were a little more expensive upfront, but the hope was that long-term it would save us money.
With my first pregnancy, we kept the gender a surprise under birth. We didn't realize it at the time, but it ended up making so many of our clothes and baby gear more functional because regardless of the gender of our future children, we could reuse it all. Whether you find out your baby's gender while you're pregnant or not, I recommend trying to keep baby equipment gender-neutral.
I wanted to prioritize natural and organic materials when possible. But I also didn't stress about everything being "non-toxic". We prioritized high-contact items (like baby clothes, crib mattresses, and car seats) the most.
Shop second-hand when possible.
The few things that babies need, they generally use for a few short weeks or months. So many baby items end up in landfills every year after being used only once or twice.
We bought a majority of baby clothes and gear from Facebook marketplace and local thrift and consignment stores. The only things we didn’t buy second-hand were things involving safety and/or hygiene. In the list below I will mention what we found second-hand vs. what we purchased brand new.
Avoid “baby containers” as much as possible.
A few years before getting pregnant, I found @ontrackbaby on Instagram. They talk a lot about minimalism in parenting and how most things marketed to parents, you don’t actually need. And more so, they can hinder your child’s opportunity to practice their developmental skills.
Because of this, we chose to prioritize floor time to allow for free movement as much as possible. This meant we did not have any bouncer seats, bumbos, or that type of thing. And it worked great for us!
I see a lot of people on social media asking “Well, where do I put the baby when I need a break?” and we simply would lay out a blanket and encourage tummy time with a toy or book for our baby to look at.
Avoiding dogmatic views on parenting resources
Sometimes when you search for non-toxic or minimalist-style baby registries they just seem so strict. And honestly, for me and my life, that just seemed too stressful. I knew what our priorities were and wanted to commit to those most of the time, but also have the freedom to get what we felt would serve our family in that season as new parents.
I also knew that each one of our future children was going to be different.. and they were going to be different than the children my friends and family had had. So, I wanted to leave flexibility for what would work for our family and our children individually.
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Non-Toxic and Minimalist Baby Registry
Here are the essential non-toxic baby items that you need before bringing your little one home. Without all the extras…
Non-toxic Feeding Items
I exclusively breastfed both my children but also worked part-time which meant there were a few things I needed to pump while I was away. If you are using formula, there may be a few additional things needed, but I can’t give you many recommendations there since that wasn’t my experience.
flash back to covid days at the hospital and pumping on break (yes, i’m using the portable Elvie pumps in this picture) 🍼
Breast Pump- insurance provides a free, electric breast pump! I originally chose the Medela version and while it worked fine, I didn't love it.
Personally, I only pumped when I worked. I found the traditional breast pumps were so bulky and I did not like having to wear a specific nursing bra. I ended up purchasing the Elvie portable electric pump and loved it. I found the portable pump was so much easier for on the go pumping!
Now, pumping for my second child, I still love these portable pumps. I also have this hand pump which is also portable and convenient (and doesn’t need to be charged 😅).
Breast Milk Storage- I wrote a whole blog post on non-toxic breast milk storage options, but here is the quick version: we wanted to prioritize non-toxic and low waste as much as possible but were not 100% strict about it. I occasionally use disposable plastic milk bags, but mainly try to use glass. I also have a few food-grade silicone milk storage bags and love those too!
Shop Burrbaby glass milk storage and save 5% with code KAELYN5
Baby bottles - we got the comotomo 4 pack that included 2 different bottle sizes. We used those with our daughter, and are now using them with my son. Currently my son gets a bottle maybe once or twice a week while i’m working or someone else is watching him. With both my children, they never struggled with nipple confusion or nursing strikes when using these.
These bottles are made of food-grade silicone and have a wide neck opening for easy cleaning. They are not as “clean” as a glass bottle option, but for the limited amount we bottle feed, I was comfortable with it! If you are bottle feeding frequently or going to be reheating in them, these would be my choices-
Burrbaby glass bottles -I love that you can store your pumped breast milk in this, then add a compatible nipple top, and then feed directly from the storage bottle. There is not a more convenient, non-toxic option imo 👏 (they gave me the code KAELYN5 for you to save 5% off your orders)
Nursing/ pumping bras- I never purchased nursing-specific clothing other than a few high-quality nursing bras, I just embraced baggy tops and would pull them up to nurse. These nursing bras from Kindred Bravely are my favorite and have held up well. They are more expensive and not a natural fiber, but they are some of the comfiest nursing bras I've owned (and at the time of editing this, I have breastfed for over 3 years between my two kiddos).
A little bit older feeding items
Now this is not necessary right away-- we started solids with our kiddos around 7 months, sooo you got time.. but if you're a planner like me, here's a few other things for food and nutrition that first year!
Once your little one is no longer only drinking formula or breast milk there are a few other things you’ll need! When introducing solids we did a combination of baby-led weaning and high-quality pureed foods.
Highchair- We were gifted a standard Gracco highchair that met our needs, but it ended up being a little bulky for our space. With my second child, we bought an Ikea high chair secondhand because it is quite a bit smaller! The only thing to note about the Ikea high chair is that it does not come with a footrest- which is important to support your little one's core while eating. We purchased this adjustable footrest and it was perfect!
food grade silicone eating supplies
Before we had kids, we knew we would be a disposable diaper family. If you use cloth diapers, that is amazing! I love the idea of reducing waste and environmental impact.
But I also prioritize convenience and knew disposable would be easiest for our fam! As always, do what is best for your family and situation.
diapers- we went through a lot of different brands initially to find one that worked best for us. Even though my kiddos both have sensitive skin, they have never had many issues with diaper rash. So I am not a stickler about diapers 🤷🏻♀️
I prefer a "cleaner" brand when I can, but we also use a lot of kirkland costco diapers because they are affordable, convenient, and hardly ever leak. Here are some of my favorite diaper brands:
wipes - everyone always recommends water wipes for a “clean” baby wipes, but I felt like they were pretty thin and it took 109280 to get the job done 😅. We most often use Honest Company wipes and feel like they get the job done better and are a little sturdier without being abrasive. I also like the Molly Moon wipes you can get at Target!
diaper balm - we have loved so many products from Earth Mama- their organic diaper balm especially! Thankfully, we have only had to use this a couple of times but it has soothed our daughter’s skin within hours when she has gotten the start of a diaper rash, and it smells really nice while not having any weird fragrance in the ingredients.
I also love the baby balm from Primally Pure-- it is tallow-based and filled with nourishing, organic ingredients that are safe for the whole fam. You can save 10% off your Primally Pure order with code KAELYN10
Naturepedic Organic Changing Pad- This is definitely a more expensive option for a changing pad but we love how it is 100% GOTS organic cotton and easy to wipe down and clean.
A much more affordable option (and what we have for on-the-go diaper changes) is a portable changing pad - we have a couple of different styles because we were gifted a couple before she was born, and my recommendation would be to find one that folds up nice and small and is easy to wipe down!
crib- we wanted something that was Greenguard gold certified and that would last us a long time. We chose the Babyletto Hudson 3-in-1 convertible crib and have really liked our experience with it so far. The mattress height can be adjusted depending on your baby's size (and ability to climb out 😅)
It is also really easy to convert into the toddler bed setting! My daughter used it for 3 years and now my son sleeps in it!
Bedding- again, for our baby’s bedding and mattress we wanted something greenguard certified. For the crib mattress we went with the Naturepedic Organic Classic Lightweight 2 stage crib and toddler mattress. We liked this one because it has two sides with different firmness- the more firm side for newborns, and the softer side for toddlers.
Actually, all of our non-toxic bedding was from Naturepedic and we have been impressed with it all.
mattress protector- even with accidents and spills, this has kept our mattress clean and protected without the weird crinkly sound and texture of other mattress protectors
we purchased a few sets of these organic cotton sheets and so far they seem to wash up well and stay soft!
Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger- This could easily be moved down into the “extras” category- but for us, it was essential! We used this all the time. Tiny newborns sleep allllll the time in those early days, and having a safe place to place my babies next to me gave me a lot of peace of mind. We purchased the lounger pillow secondhand off of facebook marketplace and then bought 2 organic covers and it was much more affordable going that route!
PRO TIP! If you are using a snuggle me organic lounger I highly suggest getting one of these reusable waterproof liners to lay on the lounger and underneath the cover. This will prevent spit-ups and blow-outs and all the other baby messes from soaking through into the lounger!
sleep sacks- loose blankets are a no-go with newborns since they can accidentally get pulled over their heads while they sleep. And the old emergency room nurse in me always has had a little bit of anxiety around that. So sleep sacks are a great and easy solution to keep baby warm and ensure safe sleep! I love these ones:
Organic cotton and merino wool sleep sack- this one is a bit heavier and provides more warmth! But merino wool helps to regulate body temperature so it is appropriate for year-round use. I also love that the sizing is universal— this one sleep sack works from 2 months- 2 years old!
Transportation + Travel
my daughter in our Kelty Carrier backpack
car seat- Nuna pipa lite infant car seat
I went back and forth on car seats for a long time. Did I want to buy a convertible car seat and save money long-term but lack a little convenience early on by not being able to carry her in the car seat? Did I buy a full travel system with a stroller? We ended up going with an infant seat and I am really glad we did! It was really convenient to be able to pull her out without waking her up and carrying her into a store/ house/ etc. Plus I liked that the infant car seats were made for an infant. They just seemed to fit and support her little body better.
We did purchase a second base for my husband’s car and I loved that we could transfer her car seat back and forth easily as needed.
We chose not to get an attachable stroller and there were sometimes that I wish I had, but it wasn’t too inconvenient. For the first few months, we mainly wore her in a baby carrier, and once she was a little bigger we had a different stroller we could use.
speaking of baby carriers....
we have quite a few baby carriers and honestly love them all for different things.
Ergobaby 360- (the sand color is beautiful!)- the most versatile carrier. If you are going to get ONE, this is what I recommend. It has a bit more support than some of the fabric tie ones, but not too thick and heavy that it gets hot and sweaty!
Mushie 100% organic cotton infant sling- I love that this is made out of organic cotton and after watching a couple of video tutorials, it is not complicated to put on! We used this primarily when our daughter was 6months and under since it is only fabric and doesn’t have any structure or much support!
Kelty Journey Perfect Fit Child Carrier- we have taken this to Hawaii and on several different hikes and trips and have been really impressed with it. We got this secondhand off of facebook marketplace for such a great deal! My daughter has comfortably rode in it from ~4 months old to now (she is currently 18 months old) and I foresee us being able to use it for quite a while longer!
car mirror- Gave me so much peace of mind early on with all her tiny squeaks and coughs and sounds!
stroller- we bought an affordable stroller second-hand off facebook marketplace and got another umbrella-style stroller from our registry. Both are great and i’m glad we didn’t spend a ton of money on them because we haven’t used strollers a ton, except for traveling. We primarily use baby carriers!
diaper bag- Even after my second kiddo was born, I've never been a huge diaper bag person. I usually keep my car stocked with the essentials in an organizer in the trunk. Then if we are running in somewhere, I can throw a diaper and wipes into my bag. I have just found it to be more convenient for both my husband and I.
The bag I do use is from the brand Elkie— I like that it doesn’t scream “diaper bag” and I can use it for years to come for my work stuff.
Okayy, if I can recommend anything it’s don’t go overboard on clothes. Especially newborn-size ones! The cute and tiny baby outfits are sooo tempting but truly they might wear something once. Twice if you’re lucky. I would invest in a few tie-style sleeper gowns, basic cotton onesies, and anything weather-specific you may need. Shopping second-hand is also super fun because so many baby items are worn so little and stay in great condition.
Some things that I really loved:
Marlowe + Co Knotted gowns in natural fabrics- they have these gowns available in bamboo or 100% organic cotton and I love having high quality, affordable options that are still made of natural fabrics. I especially loved the knotted gowns for nighttime diaper changes, and not having to wiggle their tiny legs into pants!
Organic cotton onesies- if she wasn’t in a knotted gown, she was in a plain onesie- especially in those first couple of weeks!
Skin to Skin onesies- I didn’t have any of these with my daughter, but with my son— amazing! I think these would be especially great for winter babies or those in cooler weather. You can keep the majority of their body clothed, but open up the front panel to lay on your chest and take advantage of skin-to-skin benefits!
I have big babies, so they did not get a lot of use out of newborn-size clothes. So we ended up buying very few things in that size range and instead getting more in size 0-3 months. In those early months, I feel like my babies lived in a onesie or easy little zip jammies with all the cozy snuggles and skin-to-skin!
rectal thermometer- Did you know that a rectal thermometer is THE most accurate way to take a newborn’s temperature? Especially since a fever in a newborn is an emergency, I knew I wanted a thermometer that was accurate and easy to use. When i told my husband this he nearly fell over and said “can you be in charge of that?” but with the fridababy quick-read, he truly didn’t have an issue at all! It is fool-proof and you can’t hurt your baby because it cannot go in “too far” because of how it is designed.
Related Reads: What’s in My Medicine Cabinet as a Registered Nurse and Holistic Health Coach
bath- We used this until our babies were able to sit up on their own. I liked that it air-dried quickly, was comfortable for her little body, and she was still able to wiggle around and splash a little bit! The back plastic/ mesh part would sometimes feel really cold to the touch before we put her in, so I would run a washcloth under warm water and lay it on the backrest before putting her in it.
I debated whether or not to put this in the essentials section.. We only bathe her once or twice a week or as needed- and early on I found it easier to just take a bath with her or hold her in the shower, and then I could hand her off to my husband waiting outside the shower with a towel. But I realize that some people wouldn’t be comfortable holding a slippery baby and prefer something with a little more support- if that’s you, I think this is perfect.
Earth Mama Organics baby wash and lotion- we love the “non-scents” line, but their scented options are also naturally fragranced which I love!
A few things i didn't buy and am glad we didnt
changing table -Now to be fair, I did have our changing pad on top of a dresser that kind of acted like a makeshift changing table. But I think this is an important distinction because we already had the dresser. And when we get to the point of our lives when we dont change diapers, we can still use the dresser. I just didn't feel like a changing table was something worth investing in long-term for our family.
diaper pail - to be honest, these things gross me out. Our outdoor trashcan is right outside our back door so it's convenient to just toss them after we change a diaper!
white noise machine- did you know you can download a free app to act as a sound machine? We used it a few times with our daughter if she was napping and we were somewhere loud, but otherwise, it didn't seem necessary! Plus, I always question introducing something that we would possibly need to stay consistent with. My family loves traveling and camping and I did not want to introduce something that could potentially become a sleep crutch.
baby swings, bouncers, etc. - This goes back to trying to avoid "baby containers" as much as possible and instead, allow for a lot of free movement. Just throw down a blanket!
(edited to add: with my second, having a safe space to put my baby while I was helping my toddler with something was a necessity. We were gifted a baby bjorn bouncer by some of my husband's coworkers. It worked great for a couple of months, but my son quiiickly outgrew it. I would instead recommend a nuna swing that can be used from infant up to 150 pounds!)
baby monitor - I read somewhere that these can get hacked if they are connected to your home wireless internet and it kind of freaked me out. I am sure there are safe options if your family needs a monitor! For us, our babies contact napped a lot when they were tiny. And then slept in our room at night until they slept through the night. So personally, it was never something we needed.
burp cloths .. even through 2 babies (one with reflux), we never really felt the need to have specific burp cloths. Instead, we found we most often used muslin receiving blankets that we kept nearby. I felt like they are a lot more functional and multi-purpose (you could use them as a blanket, a spit up rag, a nursing cover, a floor mat for tummy time)
Nursing pillow- I was given a boppy pillow second-hand and used it with my first. It was helpful, but no more than just using a normal pillow. Especially being tall, I found that the boppy just didn't give me enough lift and I still needed to use another pillow underneath to bring my baby up to my breast. With my second, I didn't use the boppy at all and instead just used pillows and it was a lot easier for me.
One more quick note…
As much as I would love to be able to write a blog post that was perfect for every mom and parent-to-be, that’s just not realistic. My hope is that this can serve as a framework and you can find what works best for your family. The greatest source (truly) you have is your own intuition as a parent. Nobody knows your baby like you do (or will!) and what will best work for your family.
Also, remember to be flexible. As much as you want to prioritize non-toxic items, the healthiest thing you can do for your baby is prioritize your health- including your mental health. If worrying about all the different “non-toxic” options is stressing you out, take a breather and maybe revisit it down the road. Our bodies are resilient and is it not about being “perfect”, just making small choices that overall improve our health in the long run.
You got it, mama.
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