ARMRA Colostrum Review: What I Noticed After My First 30 Days
Anytime that a supplement gets really popular, I honestly get a bit suspicious…. So when I started seeing ARMRA Colostrum everywhere, I tended to have the same opinion. Like, can any supplement really be that great?
At the beginning of the year, ARMRA Colostrum reached out to me and offered to send me some product to try out. Anytime a company reaches out, I always request a minimum of 30 days familiarizing myself with the brand and product before agreeing to share it with you all. So that’s what we did!
Honestly, I was intrigued to see if it was worth all the hype. This post shares my experience taking ARMRA colostrum for 30 days— plus some of the science, results, and anecdotal stories — and whether I think you it’s something that should be considered a staple in your wellness lineup.
What is Colostrum?
I had no idea what colostrum was until I had my first baby and was preparing to breastfeed.
Colostrum is the first milk made my mammalian breast tissue- -it is often referred to as “liquid gold” or “golden milk” (due to it’s yellow/ golden color) and known for it’s nutritional composition that is perfect for babies. So why are adults taking it too? Research has been showing that adults too can benefit from the bio-active ingredients in colostrum. Here are a few of the key factors in colostrum:
trace minerals
immunoglobulins (antibodies)
whole food prebiotics
regenerative peptides and growth factors
While there is a growing amount of research on bovine colostrum supplementation in adults, unfortunately, a lot of it is done by colostrum brands themselves… this puts a lot of bias on the results of the studies and makes them far less reputable. I really appreciate that ARMRA makes so much of their research (and others’ research) easy to dig through. You can check out some of the science and research articles here.
Arctic Chai colostrum was such a unique flavor and so good. Personally, I did not love it mixed in water but it was 10/10 mixed into milk or iced coffee. I also mixed it in with some chocolate protein powder for a chocolate chai protein shake 🤤
ARMRA Colostrum: What sets them apart from other colostrum supplements?
There are so many popular colostrum brands on the market— so what makes ARMRA different?
Key Features of ARMRA:
Grass-Fed and Calf-First Sourced Bovine Colostrum (from family dairy farms in the USA)
Cold-Chain BioPotent™ Pasteurization Technology
Whole Food Source of Over 400+ Functional, Bioactive Nutrients
Pure, Potent, and Bioavailable
3rd Party Tested and Keto-Certified
Something else that sets ARMRA apart is the flavors— while most other colostrum brands come in vanilla and chocolate or unflavored, ARMRA has some more unique options. I tried both Blood Orange and Arctic Chai and both were great!
ARMRA maintains the following standards and testing to ensure the products are the highest quality:
Certified Non-GMO
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
Sourced and Made in the USA in FDA-certified facilities
Thoroughly tested for heavy metal, contaminant, and microbiological analysis by third party, FDA-registered, ISO/IEC-certified laboratories
Additionally, they post this statement ensuring their stance on quality assurance:
“ARMRA is committed to providing the highest quality colostrum to our customers. Our products are sourced and manufactured in the USA at approved GMP-certified and FDA-registered facilities. We adhere to the strictest quality control standards to ensure our colostrum is safe and free of potential contaminants. Additionally, our products undergo extensive 3rd party testing and analyses to guarantee their purity and potency. Our commitment to quality, efficacy, and customer satisfaction is at the forefront of everything we do.”
ARMRA colostrum easily mixes into water or any other cool beverage!
What I Love About ARMRA
I am not new to using colostrum— for nearly a year, I have had it on my “extra support” list of supplements to lean on when my body is feeling extra stress. Times like illness, increased life stressors, longer work hours, etc., I would add a few scoops to my coffee and saw first-hand the effects on my immune system.
But ARMRA specifically instructs you to add it into a cold or room-temp beverage. For me, it went straight into my morning water when I take my supplements. The blood orange flavor is my absolute favorite and shoots me straight to my childhood, drinking Tang at my great grandmas house. (anyone else drank way too much of that bright orange drink as a child?? 😅) But now, to have a similar flavor, that’s all naturally flavored and colored?! Plus tons of beneficial bio-active ingredients to support your body?! Sign me up.
So while taste is definitely my first favorite part of Arma, I am more concerned with the effects on my body. Because I have been known to eat/drink some not-so-tasty things for the sake of wellness (beef liver, I’m talkin’ about you). Here are some of the effects I noticed after taking ARMRA colostrum for 30 days-
Bloating- I eat a fairly clean diet and have a pretty strong idea of what foods irritate my body and cause inflammation. For me, seed oils are for sure a trigger for bloating and heartburn. But over the last month, I’ve noticed a much greater tolerance to those food triggers. I had some Chick Fil A one day, and some Valentine’s chocolate a couple days later (both of which would normally trigger a little indigestion), and felt totally fine afterwards. No bloating either.
Immune Support- I would say this is comparable to other colostrum supplements I have used in the past, but I notice notable improvements in my immune health when taking colostrum. Good ol’ cold and flu season hit our home hard the last month. And consistently my son and I fair the easiest— I personally am taking colostrum, and my son is still breastfeeding 1-2x per day and getting those benefits through breastmilk.
Skin health- We have been on a journey trying to tackle treating the root cause of eczema in my kiddos. (Really, we have tried so many different things— you can read about the process here 😅). I cannot attribute the progress in my daughter’s eczema to any single one thing, but I will say over the last couple of months we have seen tremendous progress. While we have implemented a new bath filter, started a new moisturizing cream regimen at bedtime, we have also been giving her a small amount of this ARMRA powder in her morning water. Per the container, it recommends half a scoop for kiddos— we started with about a quarter of a scoop and have increased to half a scoop.
Again, I cannot for sure say that it is helping since there are a lot of variables that we have been testing BUT, when we did her stool test a few months back it recommended a few of the bioactive ingredients that colostrum provides 👏 (this is one of the reasons I am all about testing and supplementing intentionally and not just guessing).
Calves Fed First- This is a statement directly from ARMRA… “ARMRA upholds a commitment to calf-first sourcing. This means ARMRA only collects overflow colostrum, the surplus remaining after the calves are fully fed to receive all the vital nutrients they need. Typically, this surplus is discarded as an industry waste product; instead, ARMRA upcycles it to ensure the calves' needs come first and no colostrum goes to waste.”
While these are some of my favorite results from taking ARMRA, there are many others that share similar results. These following images are taken directly from the ARMRA site, sharing some of the results their customers have seen…
What I Don’t Love About ARMRA
Naturally, no supplement is perfect.. so, what’s not to love about ARMRA? Here are a few things to consider about ARMRA:
Cost- ARMRA is expensive. There’s no other way to say it. Each jar is over $100 and depending on how much you use per day, that jar can last you anywhere from a month to several months. Personally, that is a steep financial commitment for a supplement. But also, I feel really good taking it. As with any supplements, you want to make sure that you are seeing the positive benefits in your health and wellness and determining whether it is an appropriate investment in your wellness lineup. If you are curious about whether Arma is right for YOU, keep reading for some specific circumstances where you may really benefit from colostrum.
Clumps- ARMRA mixes reallyy well into water… initially. But I noticed that if I leave it to sit for a few minutes, it would start to clump up a bit. It wasn’t too big of a problem because I usually down it quickly with my morning supplements. But if you are a sipper, who takes awhile to finish your beverage, it may need a quick remix.
Blood Orange was my favorite flavor— and my kids too! (Remember, for kiddos, they recommend half a scoop)
FAQ’s About ARMRA Colostrum
Who Is ARMRA Right For?
I’ll be honest, I do not think colostrum is right for everyone. But there are some circumstances where I think it can be helpful.
Struggling with gut health… bloating, constipation, upset tummy. If you are having issues with gut health, colostrum could be helpful! Again, there are limited studies from un-biased parties, but there are so many anecdotal stories of people noticing positive effects to their digestion with colostrum.
Skin health- similarly to those with gut health symptoms, there are many people who report positive effects to skin health with colostrum
Keep it on hand for high-stress seasons. If you are traveling, dealing with illness, or going through a high-stress season, colostrum may be a beneficial boost for your overall health. Remember, supplements are not the foundation— quality sleep, nutrition, and fundamental health habits need to be the priority— but supplements can help to support your holistic health and fill in the gaps!
As with all things, nothing on this blog is medical advice. Chat with your own wellness professional about what is the right choice for you, your health goals, and health history.
Are there risks of taking colostrum?
It is important to remember that with all supplements, there is no regulation standard. With ARMRA, I feel confident in the testing standards and regulations they have in place— but as with all things, check it out yourself to ensure it’s in line with your health goals.
Have you tried ARMRA colostrum? I’d love to hear your thoughts and what benefits you noticed!
Related Reads:
Have you tried colostrum? What are your thoughts on adding it into your supplement and wellness routine?