Best Collagen Supplement for Pregnancy (and how it works!)
Curious about collagen during pregnancy?
Honestly, I think some days it was the only way I could stomach protein while battling nausea and aversions 😅
Prioritizing collagen and gelatin in my diet was a game changer for the health of my hair, skin, and digestion. And one of the times I appreciated it most was during pregnancy. I'm sharing my favorite collagen brand for pregnancy-- and why collagen may be something to consider implementing into your diet.
Any time I share about supplements, it is always my heart to encourage a food-first approach. There are a lot of products and gadgets and things that are recommended and honestly, it can be really overwhelming. And it can seem like you need to spend so much money to try and be healthy. While there is absolutely a time and place where supplements can be very beneficial, make sure you have the foundational components in place first-- eating whole foods, eating enough to nourish your body, staying hydrated, moving, and managing stress in a healthy manner.
With that said, I'm sharing some of the best collagen supplements that I have tried and which brand I personally love for pregnancy and postpartum.
TLDR: My fave brand for perinatal supplements is Needed— made with not just the recommended daily amounts but the optimal daily amounts for fertility, conception, pregnancy, and postpartum! You can use code KAELYN for 25% off your first month of a supplement subscription ✨
What does collagen do?
Before getting into what collagen does in the body, let's first get into what even is collagen?
Collagen is a type of protein that has many important roles in the body. I have heard it referred to before as the body's "scaffolding". It’s the most abundant protein in our bodies, found in our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As stated of Needed's website, it's kind for like the "glue" in the body holding the structures together.
There are actually at least 16 different types of Collagen each with its own amino acid profile and composition. Most Collagen is type 1 which is found in skin, tendons, internal organs and parts of bone. The rest is mostly found in cartilage, bone marrow, lymphoid tissues, surrounding tissues, and hair.
Benefits of Collagen to the Body
Skin Health: Collagen is vital for maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. As we age, our natural collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and dry skin. Supplementing with collagen peptides can help to slow down this process, helping to maintain youthful, healthy skin. Not to mention supporting nail and hair growth!
Joint Support: Collagen provides the structure and strength to our joints. It can help reduce joint pain and stiffness, particularly beneficial for those with arthritis or athletes who put a lot of strain on their joints.
Bone Health: Our bones are mostly made of collagen, which gives them structure and strength. As we age, bone density decreases, leading to conditions like osteoporosis. Collagen supplements can help maintain bone strength and density.
Muscle Mass: Collagen is a component of muscle tissue. Supplementing with collagen peptides can help increase muscle mass, especially when combined with resistance training.
Benefits of Collagen During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time of significant physical changes, and collagen can be particularly beneficial during this period.
Skin Elasticity: As your body grows and changes to accommodate your baby, your skin needs to stretch. Collagen can help maintain skin elasticity, potentially reducing the likelihood of stretch marks.
Joint and Ligament Support: The added weight and shifting center of gravity during pregnancy put extra stress on your joints, ligaments, and connective tissue. Collagen can support these structures, helping to alleviate some of the discomfort associated with pregnancy.
Bone Health: Pregnant women have an increased demand for calcium and other minerals to support the developing baby's skeleton. Collagen supplements can support maternal bone health, ensuring that your bones remain strong and healthy throughout pregnancy.
Postpartum Recovery: After childbirth, your body needs to heal and recover. Collagen can aid in wound healing and the repair of tissues and promote overall recovery, helping you regain your strength and vitality.
Where does collagen come from?
Did you know that your body actually makes collagen? Your body utilizes dietary proteins and nutrients you eat to convert them into collagen. It's like your body is taking all the different building blocks from your diet and reconfiguring them into a different structure that your body specifically needs. Collagen synthesis happens when the body combines two amino acids -- glycine and proline. This process also requires dietary vitamin c to work.
So to support your body's natural collagen production it is important to eat plenty of protein-rich and nutrient-dense foods. This is also where high-quality prenatal vitamins can be really helpful in ensuring you are hitting those essential nutrients in optimal amounts.
But your body can also use the collagen from animal products you eat. Some collagen-rich foods include:
bone broth - you can either make your own, or purchase a pre-made one
chicken (particularly in the skin and joints)
fish - sardines and salmon are some of my faves
gelatinous cuts of beef and pork (we eat a lot of lean meat, but including different cuts of meat can help support a balanced diet)
But what if you are struggling with food aversions? or in postpartum and struggling with making nourishing meals? or finding yourself only able to eat a few foods and not getting a varied diet?
This is where sipping bone broth or using a high-quality collagen powder can be a great way to hit those protein and nutrient requirements.
Best collagen supplement for pregnancy
If you have hung around the blog before, you know I always recommend getting your nutrients from FOOD FIRST. And making sure that a dietary supplement is doing just that- supplementing your diet. A supplement isn't going to "fix" your diet-- but it can help to round it out, especially during seasons when eating a varied diet may be tough.
I have tried probably a dozen different collagen brands. Some I love— some.. not so much. I love the brand Needed specifically during perinatal stages. That is because those are the specific seasons of life they target. This is important because prenatal and postnatal nutrition is so important for both mom and baby's health, and during that time your body has different nutrient requirements.
Needed is the most flavorless collagen I have ever tried— I can mix it into coffee, tea, electrolyte drinks, or even baked goods without any flavor (which is especially important with your heightened smell and taste during pregnancy)!
You can use code KAELYN for 25% off your first month subscription ✨
How I use collagen supplements in my own life
For years, I have had collagen as part of my daily routine by putting a scoop of collagen into my morning coffee. I saw my fingernails stop peeling, my hair grow thicker and stronger, and I loved knowing that I was getting enough protein in my diet.
This was especially the case during both of my pregnancies. Those first few months I had strong aversions to protein and pretty much only wanted to eat carbs-- but when I did eat protein, I felt a lot better. It was really a vicious cycle. I found that using collagen in my morning coffee, and adding it to baked goods, soups, pretty much anything I could, helped to get my protein intake up during those times. Granted-- I do not recommend this as a long-term habit, but it definitely helped me feel better getting some more protein in my diet easily.
Now, breastfeeding my one-year-old, I continue using it every day in my coffee. My husband does too and has noticed a decrease in joint pain, especially with weight lifting.
A couple of frequently asked questions regarding collagen and protein in general.
Do you taste collagen?
I have tried some brands that do leave a taste in coffee.. and I have tried others that have a really strong smell. Both Needed collagen peptides and perfect supplements are very very mild smelling and mix really well into coffee (or whatever else you want to put it in). If I had to choose one that has the most mild taste, it would be Needed.
What are the protein requirements in pregnancy? What about while breastfeeding?
I get those questions (or something similar) so often around here and honestly, I am not here to recommend or suggest what protein needs you personally have. Each and every one of us has unique bio individuality through each season of life and where we are at with health and wellness. Chat with your personal health care provider or sign up for a free coaching call where we can chat about what may be right for you and your unique situation.
Other Needed Products I love-
I first discovered Needed after having my son. But I wish I had known about it during my pregnancies because it is such am amazing brand. Unlike other prenatal brands that provide the minimum recommended amounts of a nutrient, Needed delivers the optimal amounts. In such a nutrient-demanding time such as pregnancy and postpartum, this is crucial. Here are some of my favorite Needed products to recommend:
Women's Multi - I am currently taking this to support my health and immune system while breastfeeding. As much as I try to eat a really varied, nutrient-dense diet, I could tell that I was lacking a bit. I was starting to notice a decrease in energy and not as great of sleep as night. Since implementing some more consistent nutrient support (and re-focusing on my nutrition), I have been feeling a lot better. I sometimes forget the physical demands of being postpartum and breastfeeding 😅 This multi is packed with b vitamins, vitamin c, vitamin e, d, biotin, choline, magnesium, selenium, zinc, k2, and so many more important nutrients-- and not to mention actual folate and not a folic acid supplement.
stress support- breastfeeding, building a business, working as a nurse, raising a toddler, and just plain ol' life can sometimes be a little stressful. Back in early summer, I noticed myself needing a bit of stress support and wanting to implement some adaptogens. I've used adaptogens in the past but wanted to find something that was specifically safe for postpartum and breastfeeding.
collagen peptides powder- I have taken a lot of different collagen powders and to be fully transparent, I don't notice a huge difference between this one and some of my other fave brands. It mixes in coffee great, doesn't have a weird aftertaste, and is sustainably sourced from grass-fed cattle. If you are purchasing some of their prenatals or comprehensive plans, I would choose one including the collagen since the price is more affordable in bundles! If you are buying supplements a la carte from different companies, then you can probably find a high-quality collagen supplement more affordable. (I've used Perfect Supplements collagen for years so can speak to their quality and efficacy personally-- plus I can share my discount code Kaelyn10 for any of your Perfect Supplement orders ✨)
As always, nothing on this blog is medical advice. Speak with your own healthcare provider or medical professionals before starting a new supplement as certain products may not be right for you and your health history.